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If it is a regular polygon--meaning that all the sides are congruent and all the angles are congruent, then the formula for area of the polygon is A=1/2 ap Here a represents the apothem, which is the distance from the center of the polygon to the midpoint of one side. p represents the perimeter of the polygon found by multiplying one side length by the number of sides. If you only know one variable such as side length, you can find the perimeter and you can find the apothem using trigonomety.

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Q: How do you calculate the area of the polygon?
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For example, you can divide the polygon into triangles, and calculate the area of each triangle.

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How can you find the area of a polygon that is not one for which you know an area formula?

Divide the polygon into triangles. Calculate the areas of the triangles and then sum these.

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Thiessen Polygon method is a weighted average mean method used to calculate average rainfall. The catchment area is divided into subcatchments using the Thiessen polygon method.

How do you determine the area of a figure that is not a rectangular polygon?

You cut the shape down into smaller shapes that you recognise and know how to calculate the area of. Then calculate the area of the small shapes and add the all up.

How is the formula of a polygon closely related to the formula of the area of a circle?

The area of a polygon is greater than the area of the largest circle that can be inscribed within the polygon and smaller that the area of the smallest circle in which the polygon can be enclosed. So the areas of two circles establish a lower and upper bound to the area of the polygon. In a similar fashion, the perimeter of the polygon are also bounded by the circumferences of the two circles. This also works in reverse. That is, the area of a circle lies between the area of an inscribed polygon and that of a polygon containing the circle. And, again, the same applies to the circumference/perimeter. In fact these bounds were used to calculate the value of pi.

How do you find the area of a polygon with no congruent sides?

A polygon with no congruent sides is not going to have any convenient formula by which the area can be calculated, however, you can always break it up into a series of triangles and rectangles, and then calculate the area of those, and add up the results.

What is an area of a polygon?

area of a polygon is the amount of area inside the polygon. A square is a polygon and its area is the side length squared, ie times itself. Some polygons are harder to find the area of.

How do you calculate the area of a polygon using the number of sides?

For a regular n-sided polygon with sides of length s, the formula is: A = (n*s^2) / (4*tan(180/n))

What is the area of a polygon with sides of 13 12 3 10?

The lengths of sides of any polygon with more than 3 sides do not provide enough information to calculate the area. For example, a square can be skewed into a rhombus which can then be made so thin that its area is [asymptotically] equal to 0.

What is the difference between finding the perimeter of a polygon and finding the area of a polygon?

Finding the perimeter of a polygon is finding how far it is in total along all the edges of the polygon; whereas finding the area of a polygon is finding how much space the polygon covers. The perimeter of a polygon forms the boundary around the area of the polygon.

What is a polygon region?

A polygon region is the area inside the boundaries of a polygon.