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divde your weight by 0.6

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Q: How do you change weight on earth to weight in space?
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Do weight change in the space?

Yes it does! Because of the gravity on earth we get pulled down, but in space there ain't anything like this, so we all weight 0kg

Is the weight of the space shuttle the same on earth as it is in space?

Its mass is the same(ignoring spent fuel) but the weight is a result of the gravitational pull, which is different in space. Actually the space shuttle never gets far enough from the earth for it's weight to change. The reason it seems weightless is because it is in free-fall.

Why does our weight change in space?

Because there is almost no gravity in space. When a person is in orbit just outside of earth, the outward acceleration will cancel out the force of gravity, giving a person zero weight.

Is weight lesser on the earth?

Weight is greater on earth than in space due to gravity.

How does the weight of a space probe vary en route from the earth to moon.would its mass change?

Well mass is unchanging, so lets say its 100kg (rough estimate), it would still be 100kg on earth, it will still be 100kg in Space and on the Moon. Weight however will change. To workout weight you use this equation --> WEIGHT = GRAVITY x MASS, so Earth has a gravitational pull of 10N/kg which would mean its weight on earth was 1000N. Space has no gravitational pull, so it would weigh nothing in Space. And the moon has a gravitational pull of about 1.7N/kg, so it would weigh 170N on the Moon! Hope this helped

How your weight would change with time if you were on a space ship traveling away from Earth toward the Moon.?

It would be Gravitational pull

How you weight would change with the time if you were on a space ship traveling away from earth towards the moon?

It would be Gravitational pull

The weight of a spaceship changes as it leaves the earth however its mass does not change.?

true, that's because no matter how gravity changes the weight of what ever is leaving the atmosphere, does not change how big and the space it takes up is.

What is an example of when weight would change and mass stays the same?

When you travel from the planet Earth to another place, such as the International Space Station or the moon, your mass would remain the same but your weight would change.

What does a Gemini space suit weight?

50 pounds in space 150 on earth 50 pounds in space 150 on earth

Why would your weight change if you orbited earth in a space shuttle but mass would not?

mass is the actual amount of matter weight is just how much mass it appears to with your body

Analyze How your weight would change with time if you were on a space ship traveling away from earth toward the moon?

It would be Gravitational pull