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sickle cell anemia is a very painful disease people who have the disease have it from birth at which point during their youth they under go many treatments and people are constantly caring for them my advice is not to smoother someone who has the disease or treat it like a disability the best thing you can do is rub their back and give them space and some time you must remember that if this is a spouse, boyfriend or friend that they had the disease long before you came along and being overly helpful can come off as being over powering

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How do you ge sickle cell anemia?

You get Sickle-Cell Anemia by Birth,it is a genetic disorder.

Can you catch sickle cell if you kiss someone with sickle cell?

NO, Sickle Cell Anemia is a Genetic Disorder that you inherit from your Parents. You are either born with it or not.

Is sickle cell anemia a point mutation?

An example of point-mutation is sickle-cell anemia. Sickle-cell disease is hereditary.

Is Sickle cell anemia genetic?

Yes, Sickle Cell Anemia is in fact a genetic disorder.

Is sickle cell anemia recessive or dominant?

Sickle cell anemia is an autosomal recessive disease. Carriers have sickle cell trait, which confers resistance to malaria.

Sickle-cell anemia is an example of a point-mutation?

An example of point-mutation is sickle-cell anemia. Sickle-cell disease is hereditary.

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Is sickle cells disease hereditary?

Sickle cell anemia -yes it is hereditary

When was sickle cell anemia discovered?

Sickle cell anemia was discovered in the 1870's and carried many names, but 1922 it was officially named sickle cell anemia.

Which form of anemia is a genetic disorder?

It sounds like you are looking for Sickle Cell Anemia.

What can you use to relieve pains in the joints cause by a sickle cell crisis?

i have sickle cell anemia and have found comfort during crisis using ultra strength bengay patches...

Is sickle cell anemia genetic or environmental?

Sickle cell anemia is genetic. It is an autosomal recessive disease.