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You cannot reliably determine a place's time zone by its longitude. The best you can do is to calculate the local mean time for the longitude. That is because every country is free to choose whatever time zone(s) it wants, and therefore there are many places where the time zone is not the local mean time rounded to the nearest hour.

To calculate the local mean time at a certain longitude when it's noon UTC, using x° for x° east and -x° for x° west, add 180° to the longitude, multiply by 4 minutes per degree, and divide by 60 minutes per hour.

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9y ago
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13y ago

The earth is in 24 different time zones and theoretically each time zone would 15 degrees latitude. Not so, as when you go from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland, the time goes up a half hour. Either All of the former Soviet Union or China is in one time zone. I believe it is China.

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12y ago

if 35digreeW=3:30pm monday

find the time at 35digreeE

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Q: How do you determine time zone using longitude?
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How do you determine the zone description?

By deviding longitude of the place by 15. Arc to time.

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There are 15 degrees of longitude in each standard time zone

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There is no such longitude. The maximum degrees for lines of longitude is 180 east and west only.

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360° of longitude divided by 24 time zones gives 15° per time zone (average)

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No line of longitude bends, but the time-zone boundaries are defined to depart from the meridians in order to accomplish that.

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What is one of the 24 one hour divisions of longitude?

It is a time zone.

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earths rotation

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The time zone centered at 120° west longitude is UTC-8.

What line of longitude would be at the center of the time zone containing the prime meridian?

That would be zero degrees longitude.

What latitude and longitude gives us the time?

Latitude and longitude do not directly determine the time. Time is determined by the time zone in which a location falls. However, the longitude does play a role in determining the time because the earth rotates 15 degrees longitude per hour, so each degree of longitude represents about 4 minutes of time.