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divide the number of atoms by avogadros number (6.022*10^23), the resulting number is the number of moles you have. Multiply the number of moles of atoms by the molar mass (found on any periodic table) and the answer is how many grams of the substance you have.

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Q: How do you convert atoms to grams with Avogadro's number?
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How many atoms are there in 55.8 grams of Fe?

Avogadros number (approximately). The atomic weight of iron is 55.845. Avogadros number , the number of atoms in a mole of an element, or the number of molecules in a mole of a compound is 6.023 X 1023

How to convert grams to atoms?

To convert grams into atoms, you have to convert them into moles first. Get the molar mass and multiply it by the number of moles to get the atoms.

How do you convert from atoms to mass and from mass to atoms?

moles to atoms you multiply the number of moles by avogadros number ex: 1.32 mol x (6.022 x 10^23 atoms)/mol mass to atoms you multiply the mass (in grams) times the molar mass of the element or compound (ex: N 14.01 mols/gram) then times avogadros number once you have the moles. ex: 45.6 g N x (14.01 mol/gram) x (6.022 x 10 ^23 atoms/mol) if it's a compound instead of an element, find the molar mass of the compound (the molar masses of all the elements in it added up) and multiply by it. ------------------------- Actually you are wrong, from mass to atoms you need to take the initial mass divide by the gram of the element that you are doing and multiply by the Avogadros number

Avogadros number of phosphorus P atoms would have a mass of?

By saying Avogadro's number of atoms, you are saying one mole (or 6.02 × 1023 atoms). And one mole of any elements is its atomic mass. Phosphorus' atomic mass is 31.0 grams

How do you convert grams to atoms with the avogadro's number?

(grams) x (6.02 x 10^23) / (mass number of specific element in grams)

How do you convert grams to moles using avogadros number?

You don't need to use Avogadro's number, you need the mass of the molecule in atomic units. Mass / molecular mass = moles eg for water, 36 grams / 18 atomic units = 2 moles

What relationships are needed to convert 1.5 grams of carbon to the number of carbon atoms?

molar mass and Avogadro's number

How do you convert from grams to atoms and from mass to atoms?

1 atomgram of a chemical element has 6,02214129(27)×1023 atoms. 1 atomgram=atomic weight of a chemical element exprimed in grams.

How many grams of CoCl2 6H2O must you measure out in a container to have exactly Avogadros number of particles?


What is the answer if you convert 1.23 1025 Ba atoms to grams of Ba atoms?


One mole is equal to how many grams?

Its avogadros number which is 6.02 X 10^23 g/mol

The number of carbon atoms in 2.0 moles is?

The number of atoms in one mole is given by Avogadros number. This is: Avogadro's number = 6.0221415 × 1023 atomsTherefore, two moles of a substance contain 1.2044283 x 1024 atoms