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Here's the code:

@echo off

copy "Location of Batch File" "Location to copy file into"


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Q: How do you copy batch file itself on any location?
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How do you make a batch file that copies files into a usb?

You do this: @echo off title You are hacked by a script kiddie copy "Location to copy files into here" "Location of the USB drive and what the file's names are" exit

How do you add any file in to startup list with batch file?

You'll need to use the copy command and copy files you want to add in startup into the statup folder via the batch file, but you need to list the file(s) you want to copy and map the location of the startup folder depending on your computer type.

What is a batch file?

A batch file is the text file that contains a series of commands that MS-DOS carries out. A batch file is created by COPY CON command after specifying a file name by using extension as .BAT in DOS mode.

How do you use batch files to copy files from the same folder as the batch file?

Create a command script (or batch file) with the following commands: @echo off copy *.* <folder> Replace <folder> with the desired folder (may be relative to the current folder, or an explicit, fully-qualified folder). Note that the batch file will also be copied. You may alter the wildcard in order to limit which files you wish to copy, or use a series of copy commands to copy individual files, including wildcards where required.

How do you copy and paste using a batch file?

a batch file is used to automate the running of commands at a command prompt using the program or cmd.exe. There are not any default available commands that will copy to or from the clipboard. You must use a 3rd party executable and pipe (|) the results to and from it.

How do you copy a dos file from one location to another?

"copy <source> <destination>"

Is emailing a batch file that opens itself endlessly in a zip file illegal?

Yes. but not if the person receiving it asked you to send it

When you move a file a copy of the file remains in the original location?

The original only remains in its original location when the copy command is used. The move command would move the original to a new location.

What is the extension of batch file?

the extension of a batch file is ".bat"

Can you have a running batch file continue in another batch file but have it running in the same spot as it was before just moving it in windows 7?

Yes you can have a running batch file continue in another batch file, by getting it to call itself with an argument. To call itself use %0 (and think it is best to use one of CALL or START (command) or maybe CMD) To analyze arguments (the first one) do code like: if %1TRICK==TRICK goto nomore rem start of do stuff

What is the difference between copying and moving files and folders?

Moving:Moving a file MOVES that file to another location, while copying creates another copy of the file to the new location and your original file remains at its original location. It is just like you take a file from your cabinet and place it in another one. It is Moving.Copying:you take a file, get a copy of it, place the original at its original place and the copy of that document to another location. it is Copying.

Your batch is not copying the file to the mapped drives?

If you are trying to copy files from a location or to a location whose name has spaces, you will need to put the " " around the location for it to work. For example: copy C:\Users\Noah\Desktop\File.txt "C:\Program Files\Folder\File.txt" or copy "C:\Users\Noah\My Music\Music.mp3" C:\Program Files\Folder\Music.mp3 OR copy "C:\Users\Noah\My Pictures\Picture.jpg" "C:\Program Files\Folder\Picture.jpg