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Use an ion-exchange water softener. Check your local yellow pages.

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Q: How do you decrease the calcium in well water?
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What hormone has a decrease in plasma calcium is the stimulus for its release?

The Parathyroid hormone has a decrease in plasma calcium. It uses a Pentagastrin as stimulation for its release.

How do you cure high levels of calcium water that your well is producing?

Get a water softener.

How do you get rid of calcium in well water?

You use the appropriate filter for it.

Which ingredient found in coffee and cola can decrease calcium absorption?

Caffeine: Caffeine has a small effect on calcium absorption. It can temporarily increase calcium excretion and may modestly decrease calcium absorption, an effect easily offset by increasing calcium consumption in the diet.

Which hormone decrease calcium?

Calcitonin decreases the calcium level.It also lowers the phosphate level.

What does Calcitonin causes?

a decrease in the blood concentration of calcium

Is well water safe for guppy's high in calcium lime rust?

That depends entirely on the well water. You should have it lab tested.

What does a parathyroid horrmone do?

It controls Calcium and phosphate level.It decrease phosphate level and increase calcium level.

What does a calcium blocker do?

A calcium channel blocker is a chemical that stops the motion of calcium in your body. It is a drug to decrease blood pressure and helps with hypertension.

Does parathormone increase or decrease calcium levels in the blood?

It increases the concentration of calcium in the blood. Calcitonin decreases blood calcium levels.

Why doe your body need calcium?

Yes your body does need calcium because if your body doesn't have calcium it would decrease your bone strength.

How do you separate copper sulphate from calcium carbonate?

well here's a hint - copper sulphate is soluble in water, but calcium carbonate isn't.