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I do not know. Could Somebody please answer this? I've got homework due on Monday about this.

A. Long

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Q: How do you describe the race between the steam locomotive Tom Thumb and the horse?
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The first commercially successful steam locomotive which lost a race to a horse drawn train in 1830?

Tom Thumb

Who participated in the Tom Thumb race?

The Tom Thumb race was a famous event in 1830 among steam locomotives. It featured the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad's new Tom Thumb steam engine racing against a horse-drawn carriage. The race was between the Tom Thumb and a horse-driven carriage, with Peter Cooper operating the steam engine.

Why did Peter Cooper race Tom Thumb against a horse told Coach?

Peter Cooper raced Tom Thumb against a horse drawn coach to demonstrate the capabilities of his steam locomotive. He wanted to prove that the locomotive could provide faster and more efficient transportation than traditional horse-drawn vehicles. The race helped showcase the potential of steam power in revolutionizing transportation.

Who won the race between the horse and the steam engine Tom Thumb?

The horse.

What is a iron horse?

An Iron horse is a metaphor for train locomotive

Definition of an iron horse?

An iron horse is a steam railway locomotive

What was an iron horse?

a train (steam locomotive)

What is meant by the iron horse?

The "iron horse" was the name given to the steam locomotive as the Trans-Continental Railroad was built. It was how the native populations of the areas the railroad was built through could understand and describe a locomotive, which was a technology they had never before seen. The locomotive was described as being "like a horse" because it pulls "wagons" (railroad cars) and travels long distances; it was distinguished from a living horse by being made of iron and only running along the steel rails laid down by workers.

The iron horse is another name for what?

The steam locomotive.

When did a locomotive lose a race with a horse?

In 1956 to phar lap

What is the tom thumb?

The Tom Thumb is a type of steam locomotive, specifically a locomotive designed by inventor George Stephenson in 1830. It was one of the first commercially successful steam locomotives and played a significant role in the development of railway technology.

What was the nickname did people give to the early steam locomotive?

That was the "Iron Horse".