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Q: How do you describe the state flower of Arkansas color shape?
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What is a characteristic that can be observed such as hair color and seed shape flower color?

The characteristics that can be observed such as hair color, seed shape, and flower color are GENETICS.

what besides flower color are three characteristics of pea plants that Mendel studied?

Besides flower color, Mendal studied seed shape, pod color, and plant height.

What are four different traits that Mendel studied in pea plants?

my mom

What Plant height leaf shape and flower color are all examples of what in plants?

inherited traits

Describe the color and shape of tomato chromoplasts?

The same colour as your moms hairy balls

What is four words to describe a car?

If it is cracked then cracked the color nice maybe and the shape

Yellow bell flower?

it's a flower that is shape as a bell not included it petals and it's yellow in color grows more in tropical countries that are vigourous of sunlight.

What are the seven pairs of contrasting traits that Mendel found in peas and then used in his experiments?

Remove the hard returns from this answer, please. (and this comment)The seven traits that Mendel found in the famous pea experiment are: Seed color (yellow or green)Seed shape (smooth or wrinkled)Pod color (yellow or green)Pod shape (inflated or pinched)Flower color (purple or white)Flower position (axial or terminal)Stem height (tall or short)

How is the sundew flower is like the orchid flower?

The sundew plant is a carnivorous perennial plant. The flowers of the sundew plant are much like the orchid flower in shape and in color, however they are much smaller.

What a sunflower?

sunflower is a plant It is a flower which usually blossom on sunny days or summertime. The color of the petals are yellow with a round shape in the middle which is color brown.

How many traits are visible in pea plants?

1.seed shape 2.seed color 3.seed coat color 4.pod color 5.pod shape 6.flower position 7.stem length

Name 7 characteristics giving both dominant and recessive forms of the pea plants in mendels experiments?

characteristic . dominate trait .recessive trait1-flower color. purple .white2-seed color .yellow .green3-seed shape. round .wrinkled4-pod color. green. yellow5-pod shape. smooth .bumpy6-flower position. along stem. at tip7-plant height. tall. short