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Every individual atom is an isotope - it has a whole number of neutrons and a whole number of protons in its nucleus. The word isotope generally refers to a quantity of some material, where every atom in that portion has the same whole numbers as described above.

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12y ago
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10y ago

Actually, ions and isotopes are unrelated. An ion is an atom with a positive or negative charge (that has lost or gained an electron.) An isotope is an atom with the same number of protons but a different number of electrons.

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9y ago

Isotopes are identified by the number of neutrons in their nuclei. For example, Carbon-12 is identified by its number of neutrons, which is six.

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14y ago

Isotopes have an unbalance electrostatic charge in its nucleus

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The number of protons determine what element it is, the number of neutrons determine what isotope it is.

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Radioactive decay is the process in which one isotope is changed into another isotope.

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That's called a daughter isotope, or a daughter product. (The original isotope that decayed is the parent isotope.)

244 94Pu is an of plutonium?


What is silicons most common isotope?

The most common isotope of silicon is the isotope 28Si: 92,23 %.

How is radioactive Isotope different from a stable isotope?

The radioactive isotope is disintegrated in time and emit radiations.

What is isotope effect?

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