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Since the area equals pi times the square of the radius, the radius must be the square root of (the area divided by pi). I got that by dividing both sides of the equation by pi then taking the square root of both sides.

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Q: How do you determine the radius of a circle if you have the area?
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How can you determine the area of a circle by using the radius squared and without finding the radius?

The area of a circle is pi * radius2. If you already have the radius squared, you just have to multiply that by pi.

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The formula for the area of a circle is pi x radius x radius or pi(r2).

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Area of a circle equals pi (3.14) times the radius squared.

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Rewrite the above program so that the program accepts any value for the radius then recalculate the area of the circle.

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You would need to include the radius to be able to determine the area.

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First we have to find the radius: 2*pi*radius = 18*pi Divide both sides by 2*pi to find the radius: radius = 9 inches Area of a circle = pi*radius2 Area = pi*92 = 81pi or 254.4690049 square inches

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The area of a circle if the radius is 9m 254.5m2

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The radius of a circle with the area of 36 is 3.385

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The area of a circle of radius 21 is 1386

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The area of a circle with a radius of 14.4 is 651.4

How would you determine the radius of a circle with an area of 3846.5?

Radius = 34.99112712 units Divide 3846.5 by pi and square root the result.