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If in doubt seek medical attention. Appendicitis has a common test you can do yourself--Rebound Pain--Push on the area and then quickly release the pressure. If there is sudden pain upon the release, you've probably got appendicitis. Seek medical attention. Also a fever AND gut pain demands immediate attention.

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9y ago
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12y ago

The pain during appendicitis usually starts in and around your belly button. The pain is initially minor but then begins to become much worse. Slowly the pain begins to move to the lower right side of your abdomen. Try pressing this region. If the pain gets worse or you suffer a sudden muscular spasm, there is a good chance of appendicitis. The pain will gradually become unbearable. The best thing to do under these circumstances is to get a doctor's consult. For a quicker response try an e hospital. They can provide a consult online, if you so require.

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11y ago

An Ultrasound is mainly used to diagnose, however some contributing factors are blood tests to see if the body is fighting infection, and a urine test to rule out a UTI, or a kidney infection.

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9y ago

You have to be very careful with children. It is the great skill to win the confidence of the child. (You have to love the children for that!) Special method of palpation is used for the same. You use the hand of the child himself to palpate the abdomen of the child. You palpate all the abdominal areas except the right iliac region. When you try to take the hand of the child to right iliac region, the child will immediately take out the hand away from it. This will give you the diagnosis of the acute appendicitis.

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13y ago

By asking were the pain is, if its in the right spot they can feel and see if its inflammed! also xrays show them if its in flammed or not!

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12y ago

An appendicitis starts with abdominal pain in the lower right quadrant of the stomach.

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How will your hemoglobin test be affected if you are trying to find out if you have appendicitis but also suffer from a horrible cold Can you get a false positive?

You do not diagnose the appendicitis on blood report. The diagnosis is mostly clinical. Ultrasound examination will help out in doubtful cases.

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It is not very common in children, but unhealthy eating/feeding habits can be detrimental

How can I tell if I have appendicitis because the I have the symptoms that show up on Google sometimes but then it's something else.?

Symptoms of appendicitis include pain in your lower right quadrant that radiates near your belly button. You may also have nausea, vomiting and a fever. See your MD if you experience any severe pain in your lower right quadrant that won't go away.

What is the diagnostic significance of McBurney's point?

McBurney's point is located on the right side of the abdomen and corresponds to the typical area of maximum tenderness in acute appendicitis. Tenderness at McBurney's point can be a strong indicator of appendicitis and is often used in clinical examinations to help diagnose the condition.

Could pain in the left side be appendicitis?

The appendix lies in the right iliac fossa. Not on the left lower side of the abdomen. Unless you have reverse position of the abdominal organs. So your pain is not likely to be of the appendicitis. Your physician will diagnose it. He may go for ultrasound examination of the abdomen.

Can you be dizzy with appendicitis?

yes, in a case of pre ileal or a post ileal appendix, the irritation of the terminal ileum can present with symptoms of diarrhea also non obstructive appendicitis caused by an organism which causes enteritis eventually inflaming appendix can be a predominant symptom presenting initially as diarrhea.

Who is the likely group of people to get appendicitis?

Appendicitis is the most common abdominal emergency found in children and young adults. One person in 15 develops appendicitis in his or her lifetime. The incidence is highest among males aged 10-14, and among females aged 15-19.

What is meant by subacute appendicitis?

Appendicitis that is not yet as serious as acute appendicitis.

Where does appendicitis come from?

i want to know where the appendicitis come from? how do you stop the appendicitis?

Do pediatricians diagnose children with diseases?

A pediatrician is a doctor especially for children. A children's doctor. This is his/her specialist subject and qualification.

What is your reaction on appendicitis?

what are the reaction on appendicitis

Is there appendicitis vaccine?

There is no known vaccine for appendicitis.