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Q: How do you distinguish between conventional and non conventional drama?
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Difference between conventional and non conventional resource of energy?

The difference between conventional and non conventional energy resources is that conventional energy resources are much more common. An example of a conventional energy resource would be oil, a non conventional energy resource would be solar power.

How convert conveniotional energy into non conventional energy?

You don't. There is no difference in the type of energy, between the "conventional" and "non-conventional" types. What makes energy conventional or non-conventional is the SOURCE - a conventional source being one that has been used for a long time.

What is the difference between unconventional and non-conventional?

There is no difference between unconventional and non-conventional. You can use both either of these words to reference something that is not considered the norm.

Difference between conventional and non conventional?

Conventional is average, standard, expected, ordinary ideas, nothing anyone has not heard of. While Non conventional is thinking outside the box, new ideas, etc.

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The conventions

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Difference between conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

There is no absolute hard and fast definition. But I would say coal, oil, and natural gas, and hydro are conventional. Wind, solar, tidal, and biomass non-conventional. I'm not sure about nuclear.

What are the differences between conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

Conventional sources of energy have been in use for a long time that usually cause pollution and are exhaustible. Non-conventional sources, meanwhile, are recent sources of energy that are inexhaustible and pollution-free.

Which is a better source of energy conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

non conventional

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What is best conventional or non conventional?

Whether conventional or non-conventional is better is a matter of opinion and circumstance. Different people have different answers.