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start with a little V on the top and put a little line in it

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12y ago

A circle is 360 degrees so divide that by 10 and u get 36 degrees so use a template and each piece should be 36 degrees

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Q: How do you divide a circle into 3 equal pieces?
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circle is 2d so, just fold it 15!

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You divide each apple into 3 equal pieces. You will then have 8 x 3 = 24 equal pieces. 24 pieces divided by 6 people = 4 pieces per person


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Construct a circle with a 4.5 radius. The circle's circumference is 360 degrees. So mark out 3 by 120 degrees on the circumference and join them to the centre of the circle which will divide the circle into three equal parts.

How do you divide a circle into 3 equal parts?

A circle has 360 degrees inside it, 360/3=120. Cut the circle up so that there are three 120 degree angled wedges and you have 3 equal parts.

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Cut it from the top and straight down, and make 3 equal sized pieces.

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3. trisect means three

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You draw a circle, and divide it into several equal parts - for example, 4 equal parts. Then you select some of those parts - for example, 3, by drawing them in some special color or shading them. Using a circle is convenient, because then, even if you divide it into pieces, it is visually quite clear that it is part of something greater.

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Divide it into 72 pieces, group them into groups of 8. DoNe

How do you draw a sphere?

step 1: make a circle with a compass step 2: divide the circle into 4 equal parts step 3: draw curved lines

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You start of with a whole pie and if you cut in two equal pieces you have two half pies. If you cut the two half pie pieces in half you end up with 4 equal pieces of the original pie and these are called quarters. So to get a half you divide by 2 To get a quarter you divide by 4 Thus 12/4 = 3 or 4*3=12 Thus a quarter of 12 is 3.

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Divide 3 inches in 5 equal parts