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You begin by filing a motion with the Clerk of the Court of the county in which you were convicted. For specific information see the below link:

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Q: How do you expunge your felony conviction from Oregon?
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How long does a felony conviction affect background check?

Unless you are able to get the court to expunge your record, the felony conviction will stay with you for the rest of your life.

How do you remove a DUI felony charge in Missouri?

It's almost impossible to expunge any felony conviction without a pardon. In fact, it is very difficult to expunge even a misdemeanor DUI.

How do you expunge a felony in Georgia?

How do you expunge a felony in Georgia.

Can a felon become a private investigator in Oregon after 15 years of felony conviction.?

No, a felon cannot become a private investigator in Oregon even 15 years after the felony conviction. A private investigator must have a clean record without any felony convictions.

Is an awol conviction a felony in Oregon?

yes due to the fact that the offense is federal.

How does one expunge a conviction for felony fleeing to elude in KS?

There are several factors which must be considered to determine whether a conviction can be expunged. The date of conviction and the county are important. You should consult an attorney for legal advise and assistance.

How do you expunge a dwi felony in ny?

In ny you can not expunge a dwi.

Can a person in state of SC expunge a nonviolent felony conviction if he has had prior misdemeanor convictions years before?

Each case is considered on an individual basis.

Do you have to pay a lawyer to expunge your conviction if your differed adjudicated?


How do you expunge a felony in Illinois?

Sorry, a felony remains on your record forever and ever.

How do you Stop someone from getting a felony expunged?

I think the only way to expunge a felony is if it happened when the person was a juvenile and found guilty as a juvenile. If it happended as an adult I dont think they can expunge a felony.

Does a DUI affect your ability to expunge your felony record?

For the most part, you cannot expunge a convicted felony from your record. The DUI would just remain on top of that.