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Keep yourself hydrated, lots of fluids and foods with high water content. While you may think its not helping, you would be far worse without it.

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Q: How do you find relief is you are experiencing early signs of pregnancy and have the stomach flu at the same time?
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How do you know if you am experiencing early pregnancy symptoms?

The most simple way to detect early pregnancy symptoms is through the menstrual cycle. If a women misses her menstrual cycle then she may have early pregnancy symptoms.

How early along in a pregnancy does the stomach begin to grow?

The stomach is the organ which is the primary digester of food. It does not grow during pregnancy.

Does the stomach hurt during first couple weeks pregnancy?

It depends on the pain you are experiencing. Period like cramps are very common during early pregnancy, however if the pain is severe then I would advise that you seek medical advice. Hope this helps.

How early in the pregnancy will it start to hurt to lay on your stomach?

it really depents how far into the pregnancy you are....

Does vinegar end a early stage pregnancy?

no. Stomach and uterus are not connected

Is it normal for the baby to lay low in your stomach early in pregnancy?


Can muscle spasms in the lower stomach be a symptom of early pregnancy?

It's a Possibility.

Is burning acid feeling in the stomach an early sign of pregnancy?

No, it's an early sign of heart burn or indigestion, however, these signs may be signs of pregnancy.

Do you get a sore stomach when your in early pregnancy?

Yes, your uterus is preparing for your pregnancy, slight cramping is ok unless it is accompanied by bleeding

Can a hit to the stomach cause a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy?

if you did well than yes