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Well, since you already know each angle is 90 degrees by the side and angles theorem, hypotenuse leg theorem

(angle, side, side)

Each triangle in that rectangle (if cut diagonally from two most remote interior angles) are congruent. They would be similar to another rectangles inner triangles if one other angle is the same as the other triangles angles.

This would also make the rectangles congruent.

If all the angles are equal in triangles they are always similar. And if two of a triangle's

angles are given (or findable) then it's third angle is congruent to the other triangle too.

Final summation- So all you need are two angles of on triangle cut from a rectangle (diagonally from most remote interior angles)

The rest should just be basic math and algebra.

Hope that helped. I am currently in a geometry course and we are proving congruency of triangles right now, so that's how figured it out. I'm sure some mathematician has a better answer, but I would try that. (if it made sense) :)

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