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Using consistent units, the height = volume divided by footprint area (in the case of your rectangular box).


H = V/A

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Q: How do you find the height of a retangular bos given the volume and the area of the bottom of my box?
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How do you find the height of a box given the area of the bottom and volume?

Well, if length x width x height is volume, and length x width is area, then divide volume by area and you should get the dimension for height. (I think).

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If you mean as in a rectangular cuboid then divide the product of the two given sides into the volume to find the height.

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Can not be done without the 'Given' radius and height.

How do you find the height of a rectangular box given the width depth and volume?

height * width * depth = volume height = volume / (depth * width) Volume = lengthXwidthXheight V=LWH H=V/LW

How you get a volume if you got a width and height?

It is impossible unless the question asks you to find the length when given the volume and height and/or width.