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take the number and divide it by 180 if it's a triangle

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Q: How do you find the measure of the angle with only the given sides measure?
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How do you find an angle in quadrangle without a protractor?

Measure the two sides adjacent to the angle and the diagonal at the far ends of these sides. Then use the cosine rule to calculate the angle.

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216 is the angel of g

How do you find the measure of an angle to the nearest degree?

You can measure it. Or you can measure some other quantities (for examples, the lengths of the sides of a triangle), and calculate the angle using trigonometry.

If the measure of each interior angle of a regular polygon is 171 find the number of sides in the polygon?

40 sides

Find the measure of a supplement of the angle 45 degrees?

135 degree

How do you find a number of sides of a polygon with the measure of its interior angle?

If its a regular polygon then 180-interior angle and divide the answer into 360 which will give the number of sides of the polygon.

In order to apply the law of cosines to find the measure of an interior angle what is enough to know?

The lengths of all three sides of the triangle APEX:)

How do you find perimeter if measurements are not given?

use your ruler to measure the sides

How do you find angle on triangle?

Given only the information provided in the question, the answer is to measure it.

The measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon is 150 degrees Find the number of sides?

AnswerIt is Dodecagon.To find this, you have to first find the exterior angle of the polygon. Since the exterior angle of a polygon is always supplementary to the interior angle, you subtract the measure of the interior angle from 180. 180-150=30. Now You divide 360 by the measure of the exterior angle to get the number of sides of the polygon. 360/30=12. A 12-sided polygon is called a dodecagon