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Radius is the name for half the diameter of a circle. A pyramid is not associated with a circle therefore it cannot have a radius. The closest shape would be a cone.

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Q: How do you find the radius of a pyramid?
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What is the volume of a pyramid if the radius is 8 and the height is 9.3?

The pyramid's volume is about: 623.3 cubic units.

How do you find the volume of a frustum?

If it is the frustum of a pyramid: The volume of a pyramid (with a square base) is: Length_of_base * Width_of_base * Height * 1/3 To get the volume of the frustum, subtract the volume of the top part (also a pyramid) from the full volume. <><><><> frustum of a cone the formula is (h*pi)/3*(r1^2+r2^2+r1*r2) this is where h = height r1= top radius r2=bottom radius

What is the formula for the volume of a pyramid and cone?

Cone: (1/3) * Pi * Radius² * Height Pyramid: (1/3) * (Base Area) * Height

What is the formula to find the area of a pyramid?

first you find the area of the base and then you find the area one side of the pyramid an you time it with 3 if it is a triangular pyramid or 4 if it is a square pyramid

How do you find the radius if circumference is given?

Divide the circumference by 2PI to find the radius. ( C = 2PI*Radius)

How can you use radius to find the diameter?

you double the radius to find the diameter.

How do you find the perpendicular height of a square based pyramid?

To find the perpendicular height of a square pyramid, first compute for the volume of the pyramid. Then divide the volume by the area of the base to find pyramid's height.

How to find the radius of a square?

squares do not have a radius

How do you find the radius of a kite?

A kite does not have a radius.

How do you find the radius of a circle if you know the radius?

You already know the radius.

How do you find the radius when you have the circuference?

circumference = pi * 2radius (diameter) so to find radius you use circumference/(2 x pi) this will find radius ----

How do you find the radius if you are given the radius?

I guess you mean:"How do you find the radius if you are given the diameter?"You take the diameter and divide it by 2.