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Store the numbers in a suitable container such as an array. Assume the first number is the smallest and assign its value to a local variable. Traverse the remainder of the sequence, comparing each element's value to the stored value. If an element has a lower value, assign its value to the local variable. When the sequence is fully traversed, the local variable will hold the value of the smallest value in the sequence. Return that value.

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Q: How do you find the smallest value in a set of numbers in qbasic?
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Write the program in qbasic and add two numbers?

Cls input "enter two no.s ",a,b sum=a+b print "sum = ";sum end

Find smallest no in matrix in c plus plus?

Store the first value in the matrix, then compare every value in the matrix with the stored value, replacing the stored value if the current value is smaller. For instance, the following snippet will locate the smallest int value in a 3x4 matrix named A: int smallest=A[0][0]; for(int x=0; x<3; ++x ) { for(int y=0; y<4; ++y ) { if(A[x][y]<smallest ) { smallest=A[x][y]; } } }

Write a program that will find the smallest largest and average values in a collection of N numbers Get the value of N before scanning each value in the collection of N numbers?

#include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]){int n, smallest, largest, sum, temp;if(argc < 2){printf("Syntax: foo val1[val2 [val3 [...]]]\n");exit(1);}smallest = largest = sum = atoi(argv[1]);for(n = 2; n < argc; n++){temp = atoi(argv[n]);if(temp < smallest) smallest = temp;if(temp > largest) largest = temp;sum += temp;}printf("Smallest: %i\nLargest: %i\nAverage: %i\n", smallest, largest, sum / (argc - 1));return 0;}

How do you write a qbasic program to find area and circumerence of a circle?

Write a program that calculates the area of a triangle in QBASIC

How do you write a recursive procedure that returns the smallest value in an array of 10 elements?

The operation you describe is not a recursive one, it is iterative (linear in nature). It's also better to return the index of the smallest value rather than just the value itself. In this way we know the position of the smallest value as well as the value itself. To find the smallest element in an array, we start with the first element. Being the only value encountered so far, it must be the smallest, so we store its index. We then compare the value at the stored index to that of each of the remaining elements, one by one. When we find a smaller value, we update the stored index, because that value is the smallest encountered so far. When we reach the end of the array, the stored index will tell us which element was the smallest, so we simply return that index. The algorithm can (and should) be generalised to cater for arrays of any length. // Returns the index of the smallest value in array a of length n int smallest (const int* const a, int n) { if (n&lt;1) return -1; // sanity check: the array must have 1 or more elements to be valid int i, j; i = 0; // assume first element holds smallest value until proven otherwise for (j=1; j&lt;n; ++j) if (a[j] &lt; a[i]) i = j; // update i each time a smaller value is found at index j return i; // a[i] holds the smallest value in the array } int main (void) { const int max = 10; int a[max] = {5, 4, 6, 3, 0, 7, 2, 8, 1, 9}; int i; i = smallest (a, max); assert (i==4); // a[4] holds the smallest value return 0; }

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