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Not enough information. You can use the equation speed = frequency x wavelength, but in this case, you don't have enough data to calculate the speed.

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Q: How do you find the wave speed with the wavelength and amplitude?
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Related questions

Is the wave of speed dependent on the amplitude?

No. Wave speed depends on frequency and wavelength, not amplitude.

Does the amplitude affect on the wavelength or wave speed?

Wavelength, wave speed is determined by the medium.

What is the formula to find amplitude and speed of waves?

-- Speed of a wave = (frequency) times (wavelength) -- There is no general formula for amplitude.

What is the mathematical relation between wavelength and amplitude?

Wavelength x amplitude = speed of the wave.

Does wave speed depend on wave amplitude?

No. Wave speed depends on frequency and wavelength, not amplitude.

What three quantities are used to describe a wave?

Amplitude, speed, and wavelength or frequency. (Wavelength and frequency are related by the wave's speed.)

Properties of Waves?

The main characteristics of waves are: 1. Amplitude or height of the wave. 2. Wavelength, or the distance between crests. 3. Period or the length of time for a wave to pass a point. 4. Frequency or the number of complete waves passing a point. 5. Speed or the horizontal speed of the wave as it grows.

What are four ways a 'wave' can be changed?

wavelength, amplitude, frequency, and wave speed

Is amplitude the apparent change in wavelength?

Nope. Amplitude varies as wavelength change. Amplitude of a wave is not related to wavelength. Amplitude describes the strength or forcefulness of a wave, not the length of a wave.

What can a standing wave tell you about a wave?

By examining a standing wave you can observe the frequency, wavelength, wave speed, and amplitude of the wave.

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Amplitude is the speed of the wave?

No. Aplitude is the height of the wave. Frequency and wavelength can be used to calculate the speed of the wave by multiplying them together (if the units are appropriate).