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The "peace medal" is on the wooden bridge at Leonardo da vinci's time (1516 AD, 4 o'clock on the time device).

Go to the wooden frame at top right. When you jump on the step with the ropes attached, the other step moves down. Jump over to that step, and it moves a small platform into the gap between the sides of the framework. Now you can jump down to that little platform, and jump hard to the right to reach the medal.

*If you get Leonardo's notebook from the ledge at the Statue of Liberty (1882 AD), he will give you the Glider Wings to make this easier. (see related question)

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14y ago

The "peace medal" for 1805 AD is under the bridge at Leonardo's workshop in 1516 AD.

The Island Medallion is in the restored future. Once you return all of the misplaced items, the time device is all GREEN and the Lab (12 o'clock) flashes. Use that setting to get back to Pendulum's, where you can use the Future Machine to go to the future again.

(see related questions)

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jump over to the other side then jump onto the platform then go back to the sign jumpdown and over and then jump up!

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Q: Where do you get the medal on time tangled island?
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If it is not on the hook then something has gone very wrong.

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if the peace medal is not there try going on to another one of the time thingies on the clock thing because that has never happened to me

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You go back to the lab then to the future in the big time machine get to your house and get the medal!

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to complete this iland you must return the stuff to where it was before the after that the old vesion of you will give you the medal

Where can you find the peace medal in Poptropica?

The peace medal on time tangled island is on Leonardo Davinci's part of the island when you climb to the top of the waterfall and walk over to this mechanism and you will see it hanging there.

In poptropica once you have beat Time Tangled how do you get your credits from beating the island?

You go into the future and talk the the future you, and she/he will give you the medal.

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The oracle is in the building on the hill on Time Tangled Island.

Where is the winged horse on Time tangled island?

There are no horses, winged or otherwise, on Time Tangled Island.

Where do you get the medal at time tangled?

Once you have completed the quest on Time Tangled Island, return to the future machine and go 50 years into the future. You will notice that it is lovely and that you've successfully saved the future. Wander around and find yourself in 50 years, you will give yourself the medal.