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bymaking your cloud above level 70 then it will appear as a branch attack

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You have to master his air abilities and a few others.

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Q: How do you get Omni Slash V5 for Cloud on Final Fantasy Dissidia?
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When Cloud uses Omnislash, he strikes the enemy with 14 critical slashes, then does one bigger slash at the end.

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in order to slash that guy with the dark yellow hair and a blue sword in one hit: 1.) in the first round, you should play as Sephiroth. 2.) make sure its the right guy 3.) ok in how to slash him in one hit, you must get your break points up to 9999. then when you use octaslash, you will seee him lost. the difficulty must be on expert mode!!!!!

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i personally like zidane tribal cause he's fast but if you want like an easy character that is strong i suggest sephiroth i say cloud strife because if he hits the enemy with a single slash sometimes he could stun them or throw them in the air and sometimes he could finish them with three to four combo if his level is high or your ex burst is available.

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the way is to equip vital slash firaga and curega and get a lot of potions that give you more ap and mp when those genisis things com out use firega to make all the moves more stronger do a lot of mission and for vital slash a good level would be 37

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Slash: / Back Slash\

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the answer is slash mom and slash dad! rock on slash:P!!!!!

Is Kingdom Hearts one of the best games in the world?

In my opinion, yes. This question can't be answered without opinion, though. If you like RPG's, Disney, Final Fantasy, or all of the above, then I guarantee you'll enjoy Kingdom Hearts. Kingdom Hearts contains unique hack-and-slash gameplay, combining classic Final Fantasy-esque summons, magic and special attacks. The worlds are both familiar and original, containing both Disney-based worlds and completely new worlds from the series itself. All around, it's a great game and I guarantee you'll have fun.

Which should be a TM Slash or Night Slash?

I think night slash because more Pokemon can learn slash but few can learn night slash if it weren't a TM