

How do you get a foot fetish?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Most fetishes such as foot fetish, crush fetish, disability, nose, blood etc. are formed from young child experiences. For example, if somebody put their foot in front of your face when you're a little child, it could start as a foot fetish. If a girl squishes bugs in front of you, and you're at a young age, it could create a crush fetish. These are just some examples. Do not try to get rid of any fetish or create a fetish, it could be unhealthy. My friend even has a hand fetish by playing with someone's hand at a young age.

Really? Wow. I think I have some minor fetishes because I have these urges with male and female friends to just hold their hands and play with them.

There is still more to be said about the cause of fetishism, which is mysterious in origin but today generally understood theoretically. Psychologists & psychoanalysts for years and years have debated as to the psychic inception of fetishism. The most understandable conclusion drawn from study is as follows (and I am really, and irresponsibly, abridging much of the theory):

When we are born, we are separated from a state of "oneness" with our mother(s). Eventually, when we realize (by jubilant, cognitive experience) that we are our own subjects, our egos issue forth from their unconscious positions. Further, & again/eventually, the father comes to stand for the institution of law itself. We enter into language once the father bars us from our mother(s) or m/other. But something is LOST in the movement into subjective consciousness, when we become symbolic beings. What is LOST, and what stands for LOSS and ABSENCE for the rest of our lives, is referred to by psychologists as the PHALLUS. A fetish is developed if the child substitutes an OBJECT, like a body part---i.e. foot, hand (or their coverings such as shoes, gloves, underwear)---for the PHALLUS itself. What NORMALLY happens is that the object substituted is the penis. Most sexual behavior which does not unconsciously determine the phallus as the penis, often viewed as "deviant," is a type of "perversion." Furthermore, feet and hands possess an inherent NUDE quality (especially feet---as they are most of the time HIDDEN or SHEATHED), and so they fill in for the penis very well. Does that make sense?

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