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A pardon won't get your firearms rights restored. You still remain convicted of the charge.

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Q: How do you get a pardon from a governor for firearms rights if you have a domestic assault charge?
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Is assault bodily injury family violence domestic violence or different?

If you assault a non-family member then domestic violence isn't part of the equation. Each state has different terminology on "assault" and I am sure that some lawyerly individual will add to this. Added: Any offense involving a charge of domestic violence or domestic assault automatically "enhances" the assault charge. Conviction of any offense enhanced by a domestic violence charge will prevent you from ever owning or possessing a firearm. (Lautenberg Amendment).

How come when a person charged with domestic violence assault tried to buy a gun gets a felony charge for doing it?

Federal law (and most state laws) prohibit persons convicted of crimes of Domestic Violence from ever owning firearms.

Can a governor pardon a domestic violence charge?

Yes they Can!

How long do the minnesota police have to charge you with a domestic assault?

12 hours.

If a resident alien is convicted of domestic violence can he or she be deported?

Yes, there is a specific deportation charge for a conviction of Domestic Assault or any criminal offense that has the elements of domestic assault. It does not matter what the sentence is.

Can you own a firearm with an assault charge and domestic violence in AZ?

You need to talk to a lawyer. The process to get your right back to own a firearm is not easy.

Can you join the army with a domestic assault misdemeanor charge?

A charge, or an actual conviction? If you have a past charge for which you were found not guilty, yes. If the charge is pending, or if you've actually been convicted, then no. Why? Well, in the case of a pending charge, you simply can't enlist with pending criminal charges. In the case of a conviction, what do you handle in the military? Firearms. And what, under federal law, are you not permitted to purchase, possess, or be granted access to with a felony conviction or with a domestic violence conviction, whether it be a misdemeanor or felony? Firearms.

Can a simple assault charge stop me from buying a gun in nc?

Depends. If the charge is still pending, and if it is a matter that could be considered a crime of domestic violence, then yes, it can. Being convicted of domestic violence- even a misdemeanor, is a bar to possession of firearms under Federal law anywhere in the US. Most of us here on WikiAnswers are NOT attorneys, and I would urge you to seek competent legal advice from an attorney in your state.

Can you buy a gun if you have an assault charge in Michigan?

Depends on whether it's a misdemeanor or felony charge. If it's a felony charge, the answer is going to be no. If it's related to a domestic violence matter, the answer will also be no, whether it's a misdemeanor or felony charge.

How can my husband have his domestic violence charge expunged from his record and I can't get a fabricated child abuse charge expunged from my record?

Maybe he's just telling you that, or maybe he wasn't actually charged with Domestic Violence but with a lessser offense such as . . . . . perhaps Simple Assault. The actual charge of Domestic Violence cannot be expunged.

Is attempted assault a first or second degrees misdemeanor in the state of Ohio?

It is an M4 misdemeanor (The lowest possible misdemeanor) aka a 4th Degree Misdemeanor in Ohio, just as long as guns or firearms are not involved. Then the charge becomes much more serious. But usually they will charge you with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon if you are using firearms, knives, or other deadly weapons.