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In this situation, both parties need attorneys to draft such an order.

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Q: How do you get child support started in cook county when both parties are in agreement and now the judge says next time to come with agreed order?
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Question: Is the agreement legally enforceable? If so, then unless both parties agree to dissolve the agreement by mutual agreement, it remains in effect and binding on BOTH signers. If it is legally enforceable, you can take the non-complying party to court and enforce the terms agreed to in the agreement/contract.

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As the saying goes, "A verbal agreement isn't worth the paper that it written on" if in court both parties agree they had this agreement and are wiling to abide by it then the court wll consider its legal validity. However if one party disavows or denys this agreement in court then the court will probably not give it any consideration.

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No. Not if you agree to it. Mediation is a system entered into by MUTUAL agreement, by which an impartial person assists the parties in reaching a settlement agreement. Once a person has agreed to a settlement, they cannot appeal.

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No. Both parties must agree to modify an agreement.

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