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Go see a phamacist at a drugstore and get a recomendation on a pain reliever. you cant get rid of them because they are a virus but can reduce the pain and time of having them

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12y ago

Apply carmex liberally and wait for it to heal.

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Q: How do you get rid of cold soars?
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Can bacitracin be used for a cold sore?

Yes it can. I have been suffering from cold soars all my life and bacitracin helps heal them fast.

Do cold tablets get rid of colds?

I do not think they get rid of colds but they help in cold symptoms.

Why people get cold soars?

People get cold sores because they have the herpes simplex virus. This virus causes small clusters of blisters that can be painful but will subside in a few days to two weeks.

Is it safe to run in cold weather when you have a cold or flu?

No. Getting out in the sun may help get rid of a cold, but running or any physical exercise is contraindicated (not good) when you have a cold. Your body needs rest to do the work to get rid of your cold, so you should avoid strenuous exercise like running if you want to get rid of a cold faster.

What bird Soars?


Does cocaine work to get rid of a cold?


Can Clorox get rid of cold sore?


Can you get rid of cold sores by burning them?

No you can not.

Can you inhale Lysol to get rid of a cold?

No you will die and then the cold will die with you. Don't do it!

What is the meaning of No birds soars too high if he soars with his own wings?

No birds soars too high if he soars with his own wings, In my understanding the meaning of this is no bird flies high above alone all by himself, no bird soars alone with his own wings. I don't see any bird fly as high above alone, always by group. Its good to be successful with the help of mentors and motivators.

How long do you have to wait to get rid of a cold?

The regular cold usually last about a week.

What is a homonym for soars?

sore --- painful