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There are many home made remedies for scars but the results can vary depending on the person and how bad the scar is.

Some examples of natural remedies are:

1. Lemon juice

2. Olive Oil

3. Aloe Vera

4. Fresh juice from a cumumber or tomato

5. Drink more water

6. Eat more fruit

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Q: How do you get rid of facial scars not just an acne scar but a scar that looks like you tripped and fell?
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Do acne scars prevent facial hair from growing?

Unfortunately yes :(

Does aloe vera gel get rid of acne scars How long does it take to get rid of them And how can I use it?

Aloe Vera will not get rid of acne scars. Only laser therapy will get rid of the scars. However, creams such as RoC Retinol Correxion Instant Facial Smoother will help fade the scars.

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To me it looks like severe cystic acne scars...

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Why does Edward James Olmos have holes on his facial skin? After doing much research on the topic, and contrary to the popular belief that he washes his face with acid, it turns out that Eddie suffered from cystic acne. Cystic acne tends to leave scars. Even though he has acne scars, it still has not stopped him from acting.

Does oil cause acne and will it help with acne scars?

Yes,oil causes acne.and I'm not sure it will help with acne scars but if you pop a pimple,you will end up with an acne scar.

What is a acne purifying facial?

A facial treatment which deep cleanses the skin of acne breakouts.

Does a lemon clear acne scars?

Yes it will cure acne scars, but you must be very careful, it can burn your skin as well.

Can acne scars fade?


Can adapalene removes acne scars?

no its not