

How do you graph a point on the coordinate plane?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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  1. well, you find the two cooridinates on the plane and then graph them! KINDA EASY!
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Q: How do you graph a point on the coordinate plane?
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Is a coordinate graph the same as a coordinate plane?

no, coordinate graph is a graph made on a coordinate plane i.e xy-plane

What is each individual point called in a graph?

It is a coordinate of x and y on the coordinate plane

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A point on a graph that is not on the line or set of lines on a coordinate plane.

What does Graph on a coordinate plane mean?

Graphing a line on the coordinate plane is the two-dimensional equivalent to marking a point on a number line. It just means to graph your line with respect to the x and y axes.

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An x-intercept is the point where a function intersects the x-axis on a Cartesian coordinate plane. For example, if the graph of a parabola is plotted and the graph intersects the x-axis on the coordinate plane, the point(s) where the graph intersects the x-axis are the x-intercepts for that function.

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On the Cartesian plane it is at point of origin whose coordinate is (0, 0)

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A continuous graph ?

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It is a continuous line graph.

A dot at the point that corresponds to an ordered pair on a coordinate plane?

It is called a graph. Graphs consist of many such points.

What does it mean to describe a plot on a coordinate plane?

It means to put the coordinates you were given on the coordinate plane. Ex. (-3,2) you find it the on the coordinate plane and then you plot it or graph it

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What is an xy plane?

An XY plane is a standard graphing coordinate plane that can be used to graph any point. It looks like a plus sign with arrows on the ends of the lines.