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One way is to give them nowhere to land. It is simple! At our local high school they use wire or nails. You do not have to worry about hurting the birds because they are too smart to gt stuck. You could also place a scare crow or cate in the rafters. *You can also string a tight horizontal line of monofilament fishing line about 3 inches above the place where they land. That will end the problem.

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17y ago
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17y ago

Use gutter guards or Fencing that allows water to flow, but nothing else. You have to block up eves with wood or something else. Hang a plastic owl

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14y ago

You can have the roof treated to prevent birds from perching.

But in general they do no harm there.

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12y ago

Many people will put a fake owl in a barn hanging from the roof. It scares most of the birds out.

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Q: How do you keep birds from roosting in your spouts and eves?
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