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Not everyone likes someone. But look at their body language. Go near some people you might think they like and see how they react. And maybe you should just ask them, if they are a good friend, they would tell you.

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11y ago

If they're your friend, then jst ask them.

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Q: How do you know if your friends likes someone?
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How can you tell someone that likes you that you just want to be friends?

All you do is say, "You know... I kinda just want to be friends, you know..."

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a way to know if he likes another girl is if he keeps looking at her and smiling also if he talks about her with his friends.

How do you know when someone likes you or they just are friends?

You get to know by the way he/she talk to you and also by the way he/she looks or smiles at you

If you like a person and you know the person likes someone how do you find out who the person likes?

You could try to ask his friends and if you're not ready to do that you may want to ask your friends to do it for you

How can you know if someone likes you?

you know that someone likes you from how they act around you. If they act nervous around you when your alone it either means they like you or their shy, but if they act nervous around you when theres friends around he either likes one of your friends and is trying not to mess up in front of them, likes you, or just isn't good around people.

What do you do if you know someone you like likes you back?

Just be good friends (Girlfriend-boyfrind if you want) It is that simple. if he/she likes you but he/she doesn't know you like him/her. Just tell him/her.

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No. No one will know. Just keep it as a secret.

How do you find out if a girl you don't know likes you?

try and talk to her friends and get the scoop!.. her friends will always know who she likes

Do I like him how do you know?

When a person likes someone there are a few ways to tell. People might notice you staring at the guy or talking about him and the things he likes a lot. Most people think that they can hide that they like someone but close friends will know.

Is there something wrong with you that no one likes you more than a friend?

No there is not it is good to have friends but maybe someone likes you more than a friend and you just don't know it.

How do you know if a guy hates you or likes you?

if someone likes you they generally either be nice (if you're best friends) or if you're no so close he might be slightly mean to you

What does it mean when a guy spends time with you and his friends you don't know all react when he sees you but he never said he is dating someone?

he likes you or he wants to be good friends.