

How do you know that James Polk is running for president?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How do you know that James Polk is running for president?
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What did president James Polk do to bring about manifest destinies?

Oh, gave polio-laden blankets to Indians, signed treaties and then ignored them, you know.

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I don't really know loser

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Yes He had 10 brothers & sisters

What did john k Polk accomplish?

John K. Polk was never a president and is not under the categorie of Abraham Lincoln, in case you were wondering. JAMES K. Polk was the 11 president of the United States of America. If you want to know his accomplishments do the work yourself. Don't sit around and let others do the work for you. I'm working on a paper on him right now.

What was James Polk's address when he was in office?

I am not sure what you want to know. He lived in the White House while he was President. He was having a new home built in Nashville, TN for his retirement.

What was James K. Polk's pet?

he had a alligator and a rhino, hippo, too.

What was an important event that happened when James K. Polk was president?

The Liberty bell cracked, but i don't know, if it is true, also it had other answers, but youll have to look it up and read.

What were James Polk's term years in office?

I don't know butter face but he smackers

What does James K. Polk's voice sound like?

wasn't there so how should i know

What are some major events that James Polk faced during his president years i know about the Mexican war but what else is there?

There was also a dispute with Great Britain over the northern border of the Oregon Territory.

What did James K. Polk get his degree in?

he graduated for north carolina university, i dont know what his degree was though...

Does James K. Polk have anything named after him?

I know theres a school for sure, but I don't know about anything else if there is anything else.