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oxygen rich blood is red, while oxygen poor blood is blue. this is the reason that blood in your arteries are always red, and blood in your veins are always blue.

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Q: How do you know that the blood in the arteries is oxygen-rich?
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How does oxygenrich blood travel from the heart to capillaries around the body?

through your pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein.

Is it true that the coronary arteries provide the stomach with its blood supply?

Yes. If you don't know, arteries take blood from the heart. Coronary arteries just transport the blood specially to the heart.

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Arteries carry oxygenrich blood away from the heart, and veins carry oxygen depleted blood towards the heart. The aorta carries oxygen away from the heart to parts of the body. Hope this helps!

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By relaxing the blood vessels, antiangina drugs reduce the heart's work load and increase the amount of oxygenrich blood that reaches the heart.

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No it does not..i am in the 7th grade and i know tht

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i don't know I asked you

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Do arteries carry oxygen rich-blood?

The blood in most arteries is oxygen rich. The blood in the pulmonary artery is oxygen-poor.yes all the arteries carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary artery which carry deoxigenated blood from the right ventricle of the heart towards the lungs..I don't know what arties are, but arteries carry oxygen-rich blood while veins carry CO2 rich blood.

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I have two questions that are almost the same and i dont know with one to answer with arteries. the arteries the arteries the arteries

What are the two main blood vessels for transporting blood?

Veins and Arteries. Most people would know this =)

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The arteries carrying blood to the lungs contain deoxygenated blood. In contrast, other arteries carry oxygen-rich blood.

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the three blood vessels are the Veins capillaries Arteries the arteries.