

How do you know what stage of puberty a girl is in?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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just look at their body

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Q: How do you know what stage of puberty a girl is in?
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How old a girl starts her puberty stage?

It depends really, I know a girl who started puberty at 8. Normally you should start round the age of 11-12 If you have your periods. Well thats puberty If you have shaved your armpits and vagina. Thats pubety If you have large breasts. Again its puberty....

Can sex hurt a girl that is not in the puberty stage?

no it does not hurt why may i ask how old are you ?

Does everyone go through that chubby stage during puberty?

yes, it is called bloating and happens to every girl during puberty

What is the stage of development when the reproductive system becomes mature?

the answer to this question is puberty

Name the stage between puberty and adulthood?

I would just say Teen stage.. unless you have puberty late...

How do you get through puberty?

Really, there is nothing you need to do during Puberty for a boy. You are in the process of turning from a child into an adult. For a girl, all she will need to do is ask her mom for sanitary towels when she reaches the stage of her Menarche.

What stage during puberty will menstruation begin?

Menstruation typically begins in either late Tanner stage II or early Tanner stage III of puberty.

What changes do you go through during puberty?

It depends, which do you want to know about? Boy or Girl?

What stage of life begins at puberty and ends with physical maturity?

The stage that begins with puberty id adolescence. This is a stage where a lot of changes take place in the body.

What stage of puberty is semen produced?

The tanner stage when you will probably first ejaculate will be stage 4 (between 14 and 15)

Do wrong choices have to do with puberty?

Absolutely not. Puberty is a natural stage of development. Choosing, right or wrong, is a learned or affected behavior. I know of dozens if not hundreds of people decades past puberty who still make wrong choices, and puberty is not a choice; it is an immutable, inescapable force.

What will happen if a girl has not started menstruating at thirteen years of age?

Girls begin the most commonly questioned stage of puberty at 11-14 years of age - puberty is constant, not just a one-time occurance. Since the age range is 11-14, some girls are simply late to begin that stage of puberty. Not everyone is the same, after all.