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Puberty can sometimes take up to 8 years to complete so there isnt really a time where it starts and stops. A lot of things will change and it will happen at different times. Your thoughts change, voice changes, you grow in different places. For males they will grow more defined muscles and get taller. Their reproductive organs will enlarge and hormones will be raging.

For females their features become more sharp and defined, they grow breasts and their hips widen and they will get taller. They will also get their period

Teenagers tend to be very sexually aroused a lot and this will be a trait of puberty. Their emotions will be up and down and they will have mood swings.
It can start anytime from 8-years-old until around 16-years-old. Although on average around 10-11 for Girls and 12-13 for Boys. Girls generally start and finish Puberty a year or so before boys of a similar age. It takes several years to progress through Puberty into an adult.

Boys: The signs of the onset of puberty can include the following in any order:

1.) Testicular enlargement begins.

2.) Pubic hair will begin to grow around the genitals and particularly above the Penis.

3.) Body, underarm and facial hair begins to grow.

4.) Voice change (often deepens in tone).

5.) Growth in height and weight (varies depending on genetics).

6.) Body odor, sweat and acne begins.

7.) Muscles start to develop.

8.) Mixed messages from brain causes clumsiness, laziness, mood swings, argumentative.

9.) Sexual desires begin along with masturbation.

10.) Privacy and extreme cleanliness or lack of hygiene.

Girls: The signs of the onset of puberty can include the following:

1.) Breast development (buds begin to develop).

2.) Pubic hair will begin to grow, forming the "pubic triangle".

3.) Body hair (mainly armpit hair).

4.) Hips begin to widen.

5.) Growth in height and weight (varies depending on genetics).

6.) Body odors and Acne begins.

7.) Menarche (first period) starts.

8.) Mixed messages from brain causes clumsiness, laziness, mood swings, argumentative.

9.) Sexual desires begin along with masturbation.

10.) Privacy and constant titivating, make-up, hair washing.

Some signs of Puberty in boys are things like growing hair in your armpits and around the genitals. You may have heard people say stuff like "his balls probably haven't dropped". Meaning the testes have not descended. In fact, a boys balls drop just after birth. This is not part of Puberty. The testes do begin to grow quicker and hang lower from the abdomen though. You may also see your penis growing longer and thicker during puberty. Your voice may crack or break making it sound deeper in tone, although that doesn't usually happen until midway through puberty. And it doesn't usually happen at once, it usually occurs over a week or so. Growth spurts occur and may cause aches and pains.

Some signs of puberty in girls could be noticing that your hips are getting wider, you start growing pubic hairs in your vaginal area. You may feel sore as your breasts begin to bud. Also getting your period is a big part of puberty that can happen around 10-14, but some girls just sprout into women at a later age. Puberty in women can start as early as 7 but that is very uncommon and most women hit puberty between 10-14. Whatever happens it will be right for you. When you feel you are about to have your first period it is a good idea to have your mom about so she is aware you need items and a little help in understanding what to do. Growth spurts occur and can cause aches and pains.

See the related link below for more information on Puberty for boys and girls.
You in puberty if your breasts start to grow and you start having growth spurts. Eventually you'll get white discharge and periods.
well if you are a male first you get a deeper voice and get pubic hair and armpit hair then you probably get more pimples than usual and also your shoulders widen and your muscle mass increases. If you are female you will get your period for the first time and about every month after that (at the beginning it might not be every month but most) and your hips widen and your breasts grow.
You will know when you have hit puberty when you have irrational mood swings, if your a girl your breasts will enlarge and form and your period will start (some people later than others), your hips will take form and you will get a more hourglass figure. if you are a boy your shoulders will broaden, you might notice a change in your penis, your voice will start to become deeper, sometimes when your body is going through this change you might get sudden erections. But both boys and Girls will notice pubic hair starting to grow.
This process usually starts in the ages of 12-15.

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14y ago

Different boys go through different stages of puberty in different orders so it isn't easy to tell. There are distinct stages of pubic hair growth and diagrams of these can be found by searching on Google images or similar sites.

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15y ago

* You'll get taller and stronger and start to develop greater muscle mass. * Your testicles and penis size increase. It's common and normal for one testicle to be bigger than the other. * Body hair begins to grow around the pubic area, on legs, under arms and on the face. The hair starts off fine and becomes coarser and darker over the years of puberty. Some men continue to grow a bit and develop more body hair right into their twenties. * ** Skin on the face, shoulders and back becomes oilier, often causing some acne. ** Hair can become oilier and you may need to wash it more often. ** Sweat glands become more active and make sweat which smells different from the sweat children's bodies make. This can mean 'body odour'. To reduce the smell wash daily and use a deodorant. ** In puberty the voice becomes deeper, sometimes called 'voice breaking' because of the ups and downs in tones. ** 'Nocturnal emissions' or wet dreams can happen in your sleep. Wet dreams are an ejaculation of semen - not urine - that has dampened your sheets or pyjamas. These are normal, and they cannot be controlled or stopped. ** Sometimes erections can happen because you're nervous or excited, or just for no reason at all, and can make you feel embarrassed. Other people usually don't notice them as much you do and they go away within minutes. ** Some boys' breasts may grow slightly or feel tender. This is also normal and is a reaction to hormones in the body. This will go away.

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10y ago

puberty starts at the age of 13 in males. if the size of testis increase, and you have hair growth in pubic area and some facial hair u r going through puberty.

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Oral stage, birth to one year. Anal stage, 1 to 3 years. Phallic stage, 3 to 6 years. Latent stage, 6 to puberty. Genital stage, puberty to death.

How old a girl starts her puberty stage?

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