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You can take a pregnancy test, You just pee on a stick if there is a reason why you would usually have HCG in your blood (when not pregnant), then go to your GP and get an ultrasound sorted out.

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Q: How do you know you'm pregnant if i can't take a pregnancy test an you have some symptoms of pregnancy?
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Related questions

How do you know you'r pregnant?

Missed period, common pregnancy symptoms, and a positive pregnancy test.

How do i know if the symptoms are from my birth control or if i am pregnant?

Take a pregnancy test

How soon can a woman know she is pregnant before the pregnancy test?

you cant.

What are the symptoms on first week of pregnancy?

For humans, you most likely won't even know you're pregnant.

Can you not know your pregnant for more than 2 months?

Yes, many women have no symptoms in early pregnancy.

What if you have no symptoms of pregnancy but high hCG levels?

How do you know your HCG levels are high? It is not unusual to be pregnant and not have any symptoms. If you have a positive home pregnancy test you should assume you are pregnant and see a doctor. HCG is most commonly associated with pregnancy, but could indicate other health issues if it is elevated outside of pregnancy.

How do i know if I'm pregnant if im taking the pill?

You will miss your period,have pregnancy symptoms, or you could take a home pregnancy test or see your Dr.

Is tingling in your lips a sign of pregnancy?

No, but everyone experiences different pregnancy signs/symptoms. The best way to know if you're pregnant is to get a home pregnancy test or go to the doctor!

What to expect during the first 2 weeks of pregnancy?

Most women don't even know they are pregnant at that point. There should be very few symptoms of pregnancy if any, at only 2 weeks pregnant.

If you present a few symptoms of pregnancy then are you definitely pregnant?

A positive pregnancy test, and confirmation by a doctor is the best way to know. No one can tell you better than a doctor can. You go to a doctore, have him or her administer a medical test, and then you'll know if you're actually pregnant. Stop fooling around with "signs."

How does someone know if they are pregnant without a test?

Some women have pregnancy symptoms in which they suspect that they are pregnant. Other women have a strong maternal instinct and just "feel" pregnant. But it is hard to really know without having an accurate pregnancy test (either at home or at a doctors office).

How long will it take for a woman to know she is pregnant and what are the symptoms?

Hello. A woman can only tell she is pregnant by doing a pregnancy test then by seeing her doctor for confirmation on the results of the pregnancy test. The first indication of pregnancy is a missed period.