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Establish safe residency elsewhere & JUST GO. You may want a police escort outta there just to be on the safe side, but, better safe than sorry -or worse.

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Q: How do you leave a verbally abusive spouse after 34 years of marriage?
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Wife is cheating but won't leave?

It is very common for either spouse to cheat or be verbally or physically abusive and not leave the residence. The only way one can have a spouse leave the home is by seeking legal counsel and filing for divorce.

What do you do if your spouse is a control and abusive husband?

You get a divorce and leave the house, before it is to late !

When should a woman leave her obsessive controlling verbally and mentally abusive husband?

Immediately. Reach out to a close friend or relative for help, and leave as soon as you can.

Will your verbally emotionally and sometimes physically abusive husband ever change?

Sure, he's likely to get worse. Things won't get better unless you make it happen. Either leave him or make him go with you for marriage counseling. See where it goes from there.

Should you leave your alcoholic mate he only gets verbally abusive if you nag him?

Absolutely! The only reason why I am still with my alcoholic is because he is not verbally abusive even when I nag him... However, emotional abuse is still an issue in the end and it's about how long you are willing to deal with it. My 2 cents

How can you make your wife leave?

I do not mean to be abusive with you, but frankly it sounds like you are being abusive with her. Get a grip and tell her the marriage is over, and then you leave. If you don't want her with you, you have to ask yourself why you are still there.

What to do in a situation where a 32 yr old boy who is verbally abusive to his father is making no progress in leaving home?

Kick them out and if they don't leave call the cops.

How do you get your verbally abusive daughter out of your house?

If she's of legal age and wont leave ask the police to help after you have given her notice. If she's a minor you can't kick her out.

Why do verbally and mentally abusive men blame the fighting and problems on you and is it best to leave?

The person doing the abusing is always responsible for that abuse. Abusive people always place the responsibility on someone else, and they always will if they can get away with it. If a situation becomes physical, it's always time to leave.

Do you lose if you leave your spouse?

NO! If you leave you're spouse there better be a good reason for it, like abusive behavior, excessive drinking, cheating, or other trust breaking things on THEIR part. But if you are leaving them for someone else, then i must say, you lose... if not then they lose...

Is it illegal to verbally abuse a man?

No, it is not illegal to verbally abuse a man, but if the man was smart he would leave. Verbal abuse can leave just as many scars for a victim as physical abuse. There are programs for abused men that they should attend and learn tools in order to get out of the verbally abusive situation. Example: If a wife is verbally abusing her husband and he decides to divorce her and he can prove she is verbally abusing him then the court could press charges against her (highly unlikely) but you would be granted a divorce.

Is it normal to go on vacations with out spouse in a good marriage?

It really depends on the type of vacation. If you go on a company vacation it is ok to leave your spouse. Any other vacation , take your spouse.