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Have a magnet underneath it with opposite sides facing each other or hold a magnet over the magnet you are trying to levitate. Opposite sides facing each other

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Q: How do you levitate a magnet?
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If you put a North Pole magnet at The Magnetic North Pole will it levitate?

Yes, if you put a north pole magnet at The Magnetic North Pole it will levitate

How long does it take for a magnet to levitate?

Average 6-10 days.

How do you levatait?

If you are a small magnet, and you are above a super-conducting loop, then you may levitate. Otherwise, NO.

Is levitating a human possible?

Yes if they wore magnetic shoes then stood on a magnet of the same pole. Same poles repels so if the magnets are powerful enough you will levitate. It has not been proven that human can levitate using magic but I think you can.

What rhymes with levitate?

Some words that rhyme with "levitate" are "decorate," "meditate," and "elaborate."

How do you levitate the chest in Skulduggery Pleasant?

you have to levitate everything else first

How do you levitate using aerokenesis?

You can't levitate things. There is no such thing as aerokinesis.

How do humans levitate?

Humans appear to levitate through optical illusions.

How do you levitate something?

== == You need to get a pair of trousers and cut the center of the left part. Then you need to get chair, but at this part you don't face the audience. Then you should need to get your left foot into the hole. Next you should be able to levitate by standing on the chair with your left foot and getting a shoe on the left trouser stuck on, and then you put a shoe on you right foot to get the illusion by standing.You send them into outer space.==Special Cases==Superconductors can be levitated by simply putting a magnet under themFerromagnetic materials can levitate in the magnetic null zoneParamagnetic materials can levitate in strong magnetic fields

How do you say levitate in Australian?

We in Australia speak English. "Levitate" is a reasonable translation.

Could you levitate?

yes i could levitate and make my lower half of my body dissapear

Can people levitate or fly?

People cannot levitate, but they can fly using airplanes and helicopters.