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I would be really scared because it's my first time being a werewolf and i wouldn't like it.

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Q: How do you live your life as a werewolf?
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Related questions

Where does the only werewolf live?

I don't know what you mean by the only werewolf but we live all over the world

Do they live with other werewolves?

WereWolves can choose to live in a Pack, or as a loner. Personally, since I am a WereWolf, I do not choose the Pack life. But yes, to answer your question, WereWolves can live with others.

Is werewolf syndrome life threatening?

no it it is not. :)

What country does the werewolf live?

Mainly Germany.

How does a werewolf live?

Werewolves aren't real.

Why can't I turn into a werewolf?

First you have to live in a fictional world with werewolves. Then you have to ask another werewolf to bite you.

Do werewolf exist in real life today?


What is very bad?

A werewolf is bad for your life

How long is a werewolf's life?

they are supposaly immortal

Where is the werewolf?

At WikiAnswers you will find the Werewolf listed under Animal Life - Cryptids & Legendary Creatures - Werewolves

How do you become a werewolf in Fantasy Life 1.22 b5 map for warcraft 3?

when the werewolf bait you you will be converted every night but you dont control the werewolf :p

Where in what state do werewolf live?

werewolfs dont exist