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flirting works... inviting on a date... talking more often...

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Q: How do you make a 17 yr old boy look like a 17 yr old girl?
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Although I am a boy but people laught at me that I am like a girl now what i do to look completely a boy?

You can dress diffrent and change your haircut to make you look more like a boy.

Does alex evans look like a girl?

no he looks like a boy.....some people say he look like a girl but really he is a boy

You want to look like a girl?

well this is mainly a question for you to figure out.if you want to look like a girl you need to make that change nobody else.but why a boy would want to look like a girl is beyond me.

How can you get revenge on a girl?

if your a girl then go to her EX that will make her really mad if your a boy then dont get revenge then you will look like a jerk.

Is luppi from bleach a boy or girl?

luppi is a boy he may look and act like a girl but he is a boy

Can poptropicans have babies?

No, but you can make it look like they are. All you need it a boy Poptropican, a girl Poptropican, and a boy/girl ?Poptropican that has bought and activated Minimizer.You figure out the rest.

Can a boy look like a girl?

dress, high heels, make up, jewelry, girl voice, nail polish, wig,

What can you do if you like a boy that likes another girl?

well try to make her look bad or move on sisster!

Is Mario toad a boy or girl?

A boy. Girl toads look like this:

Dos Justin Bieber like a girl?

No he does not look like a girl no boys look like girls cuz there a boy:)

How do you make a boy not like the girl you like?

Type your answer here..make another cute girl like him then make the girl say i like you

What did Lady Gaga look like when she was a boy?

she a is girl and was born a girl