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VERY short red stone clock connected to a red stone lamp[on 1 side]

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Q: How do you make a strobe light in mine blocks?
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Can you make iron doors in mine blocks?

You can't, unless you have either sticky pistons or you make blocks into iron

Where can you get strobe lights?

i like to get mine at iparty!!! for a little strobe lamp, i spend $20. but theres bigger and more expensive ones. both have mount just depends on the store location.

How do you make golden apple seeds in mine blocks?

put golden apple on the cafting items then there you go

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How do you place blocks in mine blocks?

To place blocks in minecraft, right click. To destroy them, left click.

How do you make black blocks in Minecraft?

You just left click blocks. You can only get things like dirt and logs with your hands. You need to make a wooden pickaxe to mine stone and coal, to mine iron you need a stone pickaxe, to mine diamonds and redstone you need a iron pickaxe, and to mine obsidian you need a diamond pickaxe. Each type of pickaxe and break the blocks that lower level picks can mine (like iron picks can break all the blocks that stone blocks can break). Shovels and axes just break their respective blocks faster(axe mines wood faster, shovel mines dirt/sand faster).

How do you separate blocks in mine blocks?

You shift click on the block and place it where you want it

What do you do if you can't mine red blocks?

Redstone blocks? You need an iron pickaxe.

What do you do if you can't mine red blocks in minecraft?

Redstone blocks? You need an iron pickaxe.

What can you do with topaz in mine blocks?

keep it in a chest

What are the cheats for mine blocks?

infinity health