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To take over another village is a process called 'ennobling' or nobling, in short. This is done by successfully attacking another village with a noble until the loyalty of the other village decrease to 0 or below. You can check the current loyalty of the other village by checking your attack reports in your reports link.

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Q: How do you make a village on Tribal Wars yours?
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How do you make swordsmen on tribal wars?

You will need a smithy. to get a smithy, then you have to get you village headquarters to level 5.

How do you make a market in tribal wars?

You need a level 3 Village HQ and a level 2 Warehouse. Welcome.

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if you are going to noble a barbarian village, then all you have to do is send the nobleman with some of axemen just to make sure that your nobleman doesn't die.

How do you make axe men on tribal wars?

Research axemen in Smithy. Recruit in Barracks.

What to do if someone is farming you on tribal wars?

either make a new account or just live with it :P

How do you make an account on Tribal Wars?

you just go to there website and start typing in your user name and stuff

On tribal wars how do you get a swordsmen spearmen axemen and all of the rest?

you get swordsmen by getting a smithy, but to get a smithy, you first have to get barracks so you can make troops, and then level up your village headquarters to 5. by the time, you do, then you would have spearfighters and swordsmen. Have fun killing people with them!

What does the farm do on tribal wars?

it gives you more population so you can make more troops and upgrade more buldings

How do you make troops on tribal wars?

To recruit spear fighters, you must have barracks. You must research other units in the smithy.

What is the best strategy for tribal wars?

There are many different stratagys to tribal wars. It depends on your situation. Have you joined late? Are you in the core? What players are near you? How many barbs are near you? There are a million factors to take into account when thinking of the best stratagy. There are many guides on this. maybe find a good one. or ask the good people at the tribal wars questions fourm ( Or better yet join a good helpful tribe! Activity is very immportant on tribal wars. Make sure your account is run 25/7 (becase 24/7 is too little). Get reliable and trustable co players. Also the last seggestion of 24k swords. unless you have a 0 pop village (immposible!) then it will not work. it is also not a good idea anyway.

In Tribal Wars how do you merge a tribe?

Make a recruiter invite the members from the tribe merging. At the end make the last person disband the tribe then, invite them too.

What are noble claims in tribal wars?

It is when a player posts in the noble planner or forum which village they are going to noble. Now this is an inbuilt feature in all tribes but has no in game effect but when another person who can see the noble planner goes to attack a village it will say something along the lines of 'Some one in your tribe has a claim on this village'. Most tribes will include a threat such as loss of rights or dismissal. They do this usually by saying I claim (Village in bb codes). Most tribes will have a limit as to how many claims you can make.