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just prepare all your materials for making visual aids

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how to craft instructional materials

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Q: How do you make instructional mateials in teaching?
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Related questions

When do you use instructional materials?

You use instructional materials when you teach something. Some examples of instructional materials might be books, worksheets, samples of items you are teaching about, pictures of things you are teaching about, CDs with music from places you are teaching about, audio CDs with samples of a language you are teaching, charts and graphs which give visual information about something you are teaching about.

What is meant by instructional materials. Give examples that are commomly used.?

instructional materials are aids to teaching.

What is the importance of video instructional material teaching learning?


Mechanical device in instructional programme?

Teaching Machine

What is the relevance of instructional materials in teaching learning process?

it motivate students to listen to the teacher during teaching

Why is it important to have an instructional materials in teaching?

Type your answer here... just like any other subject, instructional material is important in the teaching of mathematics, it helps in making the teaching fun, easy to understand and assimilate also it helps the teacher to teach with ease.

What are the method of using computer as an instructional material in teaching?

hntyour mom

What is the effect of instructional material in teaching and learning in the school?

it motivate students to listen to the teacher during teaching

What are some instructional materials that can be use in teaching filipino subject?

Some instructional materials that can be used in teaching a Filipino subject include the use of charts. Charts can be in the form of print or in the form of PowerPoint presentations.

What are the modern teaching instructional material?

for me,nowadays we have noticed that some teachers are using modern technologies in which it use in their teaching process like laptops,power point,and so forth

Why is it important to have an instructional materials in teaching mathematics?

Type your answer here... just like any other subject, instructional material is important in the teaching of mathematics, it helps in making the teaching fun, easy to understand and assimilate also it helps the teacher to teach with ease.

Instructional materials in teaching skeleton?

Instructional materials form teaching about the skeleton include diagrams of the skeleton with each bone labeled. There are also two-dimensional and three-dimensional puzzles of the skeleton, which students can assemble.