

How do you make mermaids real?

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8y ago

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You can't, they are fiction.

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Q: How do you make mermaids real?
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Is there a spell for mermaids?

No. Mermaids are not real and there are no spells to make people into mermaids.

How do you you make a mermaid potoin?

You can NOT make a potion to become a mermaid. Mermaids are not real and there is NOTHING that can turn you into a mermaid. It is all make believe.

How old can mermaids be?

Mermaids are as real as your imagination can make them. They can be as old as you want them to be.

Do mermaid spells?

No. Mermaids are not real and there are no spells to make people into mermaids.

If mermaids are real what do they eat?

No they are not real. They are make believe.

What spells r needed to become a mermaid?

Mermaids are not real and there are no magic spells to turn people into mermaids. It is all make believe. You can NOT become a mermaid.

If mermaids are real and where they live?

Mermaids are not real and they only live in movies, games, stories and movies. They are make believe.

Are mermaids real but they try to keep their secret?

No, mermaids are not real. People make up stories about them for entertainment and enjoyment

How do you write a mermaid spell?

You can't write a mermaid spell and there are not mermaids. People can not change into mermaids. Spells are not real, mermaids are not real. It is all make believe.

Do mermaids can have legs?

Depends- Mermaids aren't real. You can make them up to have legs... x

How can you get a mermaids help to turn into a mermaid?

Mermaids are not real and you can not become one. They are make believe.

Was Eva a mermaid in real life?

No. There are no people who are mermaids in real life. They do not exist and are make believe. People can not change into mermaids.