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we should put water every day and and take care of it

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Q: How do you make plant grow bigger?
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How do you make a plant grow bigger if watered by milk or water?

plez answer it

How do some fungi helps make plants grow bigger and healthier?

when their hyphae grow into or on the plant's roots

How can you make your breasts grow bigger and bigger?

You can't make your breasts grow bigger and faster. Your breasts grow as they are meant to and there is nothing you can do to speed-up that process or make them grow bigger.

How do flowers grow bigger?

They grow bigger by lots of water and sunshine so place them outside but if it is an indoor plant place the plant on a window sill

Does more water make plant leaves bigger?

yes water makes plants grow so technichaly...

Do you need fertilizer to grow carrots?

Yes, any vegetable you sow will grow faster and bigger if you use fertilizer. It also depends on the soil you plant it in. If the soil has enough nutrients it will make the carrot/plant grow faster.

Will a plant grow bigger while being talked to by a girl or a boy?

plant grow better if they are stroked really this is true

How do fertilizers affect plant growth?

Plant's will be more healthy and more productive.

Will a plant grow bigger watered by milk or milk?

there is two milk?

How big do hastas get?

if you mean "hosta" as a plant the older they are the bigger they grow.

Which plant will grow bigger in the dark or light?

Grass in the dark, but it will be white.