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There is a very good video about how to feed baby mice. To view the video, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under Sources and Related Links.


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11y ago

Baby mice feed on their mothers milk, but as they start ageing, they start to eat oats, seeds, nuts and wheat.

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You say, "Open your mouth."

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Q: How do you get a baby bird to open its mouth?
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A mother bird responding to her baby's open mouth is what kind of response?

When a baby bird opens its mouth, it is a form of communication letting its parent know that it is hungry. The mother or father bird then responds by doing what any good parent would do. It finds food and feeds it to the hungry child or children.

What do baby cowbirds eat?

Egrets, aka cowbirds, eat insects. The young birds are fed by their parents, just as other bird species are. The parents feed on the insects, then regurgitate the food into the baby bird's open mouths. That is why a baby bird will raise its head and open its mouth wide when they sense, feel, or see movement above them.

What does a baby do with an open mouth?

the respiratory system in a baby is not well developed and they do respire through mouth too, and so they keep their mouth open.

What bird flies with its mouth open?


What do alligator snapping turtles look like?

like a humming bird with its mouth open

How can you tell if a baby bird is dehydrated?

If their mouth is dry inside, they are dehydrated. If it is a little wet, they are fine. If your baby bird is dehydrated, make sure you dampen its food a bit more so it can more liquids.

Do blackbirds feed their young on milk?

If you can't find worms, try jelly meat (yes, the cat food). Sugar water (or honey water) in small quantities is also good. To get the baby bird to open its mouth, touch the side of its mouth where beak hinges. Make sure bird is warm at night. Good luck!

How do you hand feed baby cocketiel?

syringe Purchase baby bird formula from the pet store ( Mix with water)and suck it up and into a small syringe also available at the pet store ( no needle). Hold the baby in your hand and touch around its beak with the tip of the syringe as the mother would do and the baby should open its mouth with its head up. you can then squeeze some of the formula into its mouth. Continue until its crop ( pouch under its beak ) is full.

What can a baby bird do to you?

A baby bird cant harm you at all since its a baby it doesn't know anything about biting yet so don't try putting your finger in its mouth because it will get use to it and all don't carry it to much because it might die !

What is a four letter word for a bird's mouth?

a bird's mouth is his beak

The rooting reflex refers to a baby's tendency to?

open the mouth in search of a nipple when touched on the cheek.

When bird chicks open their mouths the mother bird immediatley finds food and feed them the baby chick response is a example of what?

Innate behavior (novanet)