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If you do not repay the loan within 20 "days", it becomes overdue, and you will not be able to buy a new ship until the overdue loan is paid off. A loan can only be paid in full, and paying it restores your credit.

You can have as many loans as you want, but only one at a time. The loan can be for any amount up to your total worth (doubloons and cargo). Each "day" is counted when you leave one island and arrive at another, so technically, you could leave and return to the same island multiple times and never have a day pass.

Each day that the loan is out costs you 5% (one twentieth) of the total loan, so after 20 days, you will be paying back twice what you originally borrowed. It is to your benefit to repay the loan in as few "days" as possible (which could be a long time unless you go from island to island without much profit).

The most important loans are your first (which lets you start trading faster), and your last (up to 500,000 to buy the Phoenix Warbird). Since you cannot buy a larger ship than the Warbird, the loan need never be paid off.

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You can only pay it back in cash, and in full, including all interest. You can see the current balance by clicking your account tab (ship symbol at bottom left). The loan officer will not convert cargo to doubloons as the bank does when figuring your maximum loan.

A loan is due within 20 "days", one "day" being leaving one island and going to a different island. The interest increases your loan by 5% each day, so the most you will have to pay back is twice what you borrowed. If a loan goes past 20 days, it is overdue, and you cannot buy a new ship until the loan is repaid.

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13y ago

If you can't pay back your loan, you can still get money by sinking creatures and ships for their salvage (gets you a lot but is harder to master without getting sunk). Once a loan becomes overdue, you cannot buy a larger ship until it is paid.

Hint : since a "day" passes only when you leave one island and arrive at another, you can limit your interest during the loan by returning to the same island as you left from, such as Dragon Cove, which has numerous sea monsters for you to sink.

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13y ago

Once you have enough money to pay back the loan (with interest), go back to the loan officer at Golden Harbor Bank. You should check the amount on your balance sheet (lower left ship symbol), because it must be paid in full. As soon as it is paid (even immediately afterward), you can take out a larger loan.

Loans are good for 20 "days" (a "day" being leaving one island and arriving at another) and charge 5% interest each day. If a loan is not repaid by 20 days, it becomes overdue and you cannot buy a larger ship until the overdue loan is repaid. It will not accrue interest once overdue.

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Q: How do you pay back a loan on Skullduggery Island?
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What island do you go to to pay back a loan on Skullduggery Island?

You repay the loan (in full only) at the same place you borrowed it. The loan officer is on the second floor of the bank, the far right at Golden Harbor.

Where do you pay back loans on Skullduggery Island?

You repay the loan (in full only) at the same place you borrow it. The loan officer is upstairs in the Golden Harbor Bank at Golden Harbor.

How much money is the debt you have to pay on Skullduggery Island?

You can borrow money from the Golden Harbor bank to get more cargo or a larger ship, but you have to go there to do it. You have 20 days to repay the loan. (A day is whatever time it takes you to go from one island to a different island. If you leave an island and go back there, no days at all elapse!)

How do you get money without paying it back on Skullduggery Island?

You don't have to pay back your loans from the Golden Harbor bank, but you cannot get a larger one until you do, and you cannot buy a larger ship if you have an overdue loan. For the Phoenix Warbird, you can borrow whatever you have (up to 500,000 doubloons) and because you never need a larger ship, you don't have to repay the loan.

Does the loan hurt you on poptropica Skullduggery Island?

No, they do not.Most players will not repay their last loan, which can be up to 500,000 doubloons to buy a Phoenix Warbird. Since the only penalty for not repaying an overdue loan is that you cannot buy a larger ship, you would not be affected at all.You should always pay back a loan as soon as you can because you pay 5%interest for every "day" up to 20 days. However, since a "day" only passes when you leave one island and arrive at a different one, you can limit the number of days that pass as well (leave an island, collect salvage, and go back).

Do you have to pay back the loan for repairs on a home?

What you do with a loan is irrelevant. You always have to pay it back.

Do you have to pay back your loan on Skullduggery Island?

Normally, yes. If the loan goes past 20 days, it becomes overdue.The bank charges 5% interest per day (each day being travel from one island to a different island) and the loan is only good for 20 days. If it is not repaid by then, you cannot buy a new ship until it is repaid. Paying off a loan restores your good credit and you can then get a larger loan. This is especially time-saving if you amass 500,000 doubloons, as you can then borrow the rest to buy the Phoenix Warbird.Try to pay off loans as soon as you can, so you can borrow more later. Because you will not be buying larger ships after the Warbird, you are not required to pay off that final loan, although you will be earning more than enough to do so.

What is it called when you don't pay back a loan?

Failing to pay back a loan is called defaulting on the loan.

Do you have to pay back an unsecured loan?

It is probably a good idea to pay back any loan. A loan, by definition, is something being furnished on condition of being returned. If you don't pay it back, it is not a loan. It is stealing.

How do you recruit people on Skullduggery Island?

You just talk to them and say your hired but they will not join you if you dont pay them enough dabloons

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Need a loan but can not pay back?

If you need a loan but can't pay it back, you should not get a loan. You should rethink your 'need' and find another way to resolve it. If you borrow money that you can't pay back, that is a form of theft.