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Actually this is a serious question. Obscure but valid. Many confuse divination with the occult or witchcraft. This is not necessarily true. Divination was often practiced by ancient priests of most religions and is a small part of many common practices, beliefs and superstitions handed down through the ages. Such as throwing salt over one's shoulder, saying "bless you" when someone sneezes, etceteras.

"Spirit of the glass" is a method of divination similar to using a spirit board or forms of pendulum dowsing. It is used as a form of seance to contact spirits. The most common known spirit board is the Ouija trademarked to Parker Brothers.

Before attempting spirit contact a few warnings: Divination is not a game. Treating it as such can lead to serious repercussions. Most spirits were once people like ourselves. They do not take kindly to be toyed with, ridiculed, taunted, or dared. treat them as you should treat anyone else with respect. To do otherwise is at your own risk. You might find youself haunted by a spirit that wants to dish out a little payback. There are also other dangers:

- Divination should never be attempted by a single person alone. It can open the person up to something called progressive entrapment. This happens when a person become addicted to the process or tempted by a seductive spirit.

- Do not perform divination on sabbath days or holy days.

- Avoid used spirit boards or planchettes until they have been cleansed by wiping with holy water as they might have attracted evil spirits.

- It is taboo to ask certain questions such as; 1) When or how someone is to die. 2) How one might increase one their personal wealth or fame. 3)How to force someone else to do one's will.

- Divination is not a joking matter. If there is anyone present who cannot be trusted to control themselves or take it seriously it is better that they leave or that the session be postponed than to proceed.

- Take all messages received with a grain of salt. Some spirits can be overly eager to please and might say something they think someone wants to hear. If they do not know an answer they might make one up. If challenged they might take offense.

It is best to have one person assigned to take notes; recording the questions and the answers for later review. Also to prepare and agree to certain questions to be asked. Something that does not make sense at first might become clearer at a later date. Divination opens a portal to the other side and proceeding without taking precaution is an open invitation to any spirit that might wander by. To help control and protect those participating it is best to say a prayer or litany before starting. A litany might be like, "God please bless us and send gaurdian spirits that love us to form a circle of protection around us. Empower them to drive away any spirits that might mean us harm or mischief. Help to provide us with serious answers to questions we seek. Should the answer not be unknown or the time not right for it to be revealed, Then answer not. We ask that loving spirits continue to watch over and protect all involved. We pray in thy name, Amen". Before ending the session after all questions are complete. Always ask if there are any messages for anyone that needs to be mentioned and if so, to whom? These are often the most astounding messages received. I have known instances where timely advice may have averted accidents or suicides. When the session is complete it is wise to thank the gaurdian spirits for their aid and ask them to lead all spirits remaining or whom have gathered back over to the other side and seal that portal when they depart.

To do "spirit of the glass" you need to have a table with a smooth, preferable highly waxed surface. In a circle are placed the letters of the alphabet and the numbers 1-0. These can be written on the table with crayon. A clean short glass is turned over and used as the planchette or pointer. 2-4 people place their hands lightly on the planchette and all concentrate on the question asked. It is sometimes difficult to make contact and get started so clearing the mind and moving the cup or planchette around in circular or infinity patterns can often help loosen everyone up.

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