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You pronounce it as ä-chä′kÉ™-toÍor′ə

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Q: How do you pronounce acciaccatura?
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What is acciaccatura?

In music, an acciaccatura is a short grace note, a crushed note placed a single scale step higher than the main note. Its face value as a note is zero.

What is an acciaccatura?

In music, an acciaccatura is a short grace note, a crushed note placed a single scale step higher than the main note. Its face value as a note is zero.

What is the music term for grace note?

That is called an acciaccatura (a-ch-ca-chur-ra)

What is a acciacatura?

An acciaccatura is a small grace note melodically adjacent to a principal note and played simultaneously with, or immediately before it

What does acciaccatura mean in music GCSE?

ANSWER:Acciaccature means a note that is 1/2 or 1 step below a princable note.:D Good Luck.x

What is an appoggiatura?

An appoggiatura is a type of musical ornament. It is like a 'leaning note' and is written as a grace note printed in small character, without a line through the stem, prefixed to a principal note and generally takes about half the time value of this note.It is not to be confused with an acciaccatura, sometimes called a 'crushed note' which takes up very little time value of the principal note it is prefixed to. You can tell the difference between them as an acciaccatura has a line through the stem but is also written in small print as a grace note.

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een (Pronounce: eyn) twee (Pronounce: twey) drie (Pronounce: dree) vier (Pronounce: veer) vijf (Pronounce: vive) zes (Pronounce: zes) zeven (Pronounce: zeyven acht (Pronounce: acht) negen (Pronounce:neygen) tien (Pronounce: teen)

What is the difference between an appoggiatura and acciaccatura?

An appoggiatura takes on half the value of the note it is tied to. For example, if there was a minium (2 count note) with an appoggiatura, the minium note would become a crotchet (1 beat note) and the appoggiatura note would also be played for 1 beat. Normally the appoggiatura is emphasised (stressed/ leaned on). An acciaccatura looks like an appoggiatura but with a line crossing it. It is also called a crushed note. Really, it doesn't take any duration off the note, but is like a before thought. It is played very fast with the main emphasis on the note.

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